Early morning on October 10, LYROAD Machinery’s workers started stuffing containers with asphalt spares and parts. This batch of asphalt spare parts would be shipped to Thailand. Persons from International Business Department and Logistics Department worked together to check, verify, pack, load and record the spare parts. Everything goes on smoothly and orderly, and containers left our factory in time.

LYROAD Machinery attaches great importance on after-sale services and parts supply so as to guarantee the continuous and smooth operation of clients’ asphalt plants. With our market expansion in Southeast Asian, demand for asphalt plant parts are increasing. LYROAD Machinery pays specially attention to and tries its best to satisfy clients demand. Recently, LYROAD Machinery supports sales agent in building asphalt plant parts warehouse in Thailand. The end-users are able to purchase necessary parts directly in Thailand; the lead time of procurement is largely reduced.

Timely parts supply can guarantee continuous operation of clients’ asphalt plant, improve equipment utilization efficiency and increase clients’ revenue. LYROAD Machinery is committed to offering considerate, fast and effective after-sale service and parts supply to clients, through continuous efforts and improvement.
Click the article Asphalt Plant For Sale In Thailand to view More Valuable Information.