On September 2, 2016, LYROAD Machinery completed the production of a set of MDHB-60 mobile drum mixing asphalt plant, loaded the plant on truck and transferred to client on land transportation according to client’s requirements.
The Client had its own transportation channels and decided to transport this plant by himself. LYROAD Machinery satisfied his requirements; moreover, LYROAD Machinery made efforts to coordinate the packing and loading works, trying to control possible risks during transportation; so as to ensure that the plant is transported its destination safely, completely and smoothly.
Before delivery, LYROAD Machinery workers are carefully rechecking the pack list to avoid component omission (left picture). Properly packed to ensure safe transportation. (right picture).

The workers well coordinated truck loading so as to minimize transportation cost (left picture), and kept working till night so as to ensure on-time delivery (right picture).

MDHB plant is mobile drum mixing asphalt plant. From the perspective of convenient transportation and mobilization, some components are carefully redesigned. Convenient for truck-loading, safe for transportation and quick for erection are the prominent features of MDHB Series asphalt plant.