The RM1000 pulverized coal burner been shipped from our factory on 3th,July after one month of our customer placing the order,which will be shipped to Peru finally.

Our coal burner could be meet the Peru customer’s requirements completely,no matter from the quality or from the price.So our Peru customer placed the order in very short time and it’s a pleasant cooperation for both of us.

The motors of RM1000 coal burner we equipped is with the voltage of 440v/60Hz and the color of the burner we pained is the chek red,which are produced according to our customer’s requirements.And our Peru customer is very satisfied with it.

We look forward more cooperation between of us in the future.

RM1000 coal burner been shipped to Peru on 3th,July
RM1000 coal burner been shipped to Peru on 3th,July

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